TSU invites stakeholders to budget forum  

Date Posted: 03/05/2021

Guided by the university’s core values on transparency and true commitment, the Tarlac State University administration organized a budget forum with stakeholders for fiscal year 2022 held via Zoom today, March 5.

The said university-level budget forum is intended to inform and update stakeholders on the budget utilization of TSU and its priority projects for 2021 and 2022 to ensure the equitable use of government fund.

TSU President Dr. Myrna Q. Mallari said that the forum provides a venue for all stakeholders to gather, affirm, and provide inputs to the university’s budget plan and priorities noting that holding such activity is not a first for TSU.

“This undertaking is [done] not only now but have been done in the past, in the college level, where we ask respective deans to invite stakeholders [and] present the priority projects of the university and what inputs the stakeholders have on the priority projects to be funded by the government,” President Mallari said.

Vice President for Administration and Finance Dr. Marlon Gamido and Budget Officer Ms. Elena May Teofilo presented the university’s comparative three-year budget and budget plan and budget proposal for fiscal year 2022 including the list of priority programs and projects.

In his closing remarks, Vice President for Planning and Quality Assurance Dr. Niño Corpuz shared that proper disclosure and interpretation of the university’s budget eliminates biases and establishes a sense of accountability which manifests the university’s commitment to its core values.

Around 120 stakeholders were present in the virtual event such as TSU faculty members, officers of the university and college student councils, parents, and industry partners along with the TSU officials and members of the Administrative Council led by President Mallari.

The Office of Planning, Performance Monitoring, and Evaluation led by Dr. Jay Pabustan spearheaded by the budget forum.