Office of the President Message from President

Dr. Mallari

Message from the President

Greetings from the Offices directly under the Office of the President, namely: Office of Public Affairs, Management Information Systems Office, and Internal Audit Service.  The wonderful personnel in its Offices also welcome you to our website. 

At our Offices, we interact with you 10 hours every day from Tuesday to Friday.  But here in our website, we meet and interact with you every time, any moment and everywhere you are.  This is virtual omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence--and we provide you omnia. 

I hope that on these pages, you’ll see TSU – The State University, which is the University of the People, by the People, and for the People in reality and in virtuality. 

God bless you and bless the Tarlac State University! 


