TSU complies with CHED recommendation, GCQ guidelines  

Date Posted: 05/17/2020

Even with the pronouncement of General Community Quarantine (GCQ) in several Luzon provinces, holding of face-to-face classes or residential learning is still discouraged by the Commission on Higher Education as stated in the Inter-Agency Task Force Resolution No. 36, dated May 13, 2020.

Tarlac Province was placed under GCQ on May 16, 2020 and the guidelines indicate that those who are 21 years old and below are still not allowed to go out.  

Since some first and second year TSU students belong to the 21-and-below age group, and also with the aim of limiting movement, flexible learning is regarded as an equitable means to deliver quality education during this health crisis.

CHED defined “flexible learning” in an online article from the Philippine News Agency as “a broader term that focuses on the design and delivery of programs, courses, and learning interventions that address learners' unique needs in terms of pace, place, process, and products of learning; it does not necessarily require connectivity.”

It uses both digital and non-digital technology.

TSU has since heeded to the CHED recommendation and has started preparing its teaching workforce with trainings, workshops, and webinars for the implementation of flexible learning.

A survey was also launched on April 30 to determine the needs and concerns of currently enrolled students in connection with flexible learning.

The University is also planning to coordinate with local government units for the offline or non-digital mode of learning since they are the closest service providers to the students.