CHED conducts webinar on flexible learning  

Date Posted: 04/13/2020

TSU officials and deans attended  a webinar entitled "We Don't Know! Rewiring Higher Education in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond" hosted by the Commission on Higher Education with Dr. Edizon A. Fermin of the National Teachers College as resource speaker.

The webinar, which catered to SUC presidents and representatives nationwide, promotes flexible learning and is meant to prepare and equip SUCs in holding classes after a pandemic.

Dr. Fermin explained the categories of students as to their access to the internet and how to effectively deal with them through synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Students may fall under category 1 or those without connectivity, category 2 or with limited connectivity, or category 3 meaning they have immediate access to the internet.

He furthered that distance education is not just limited to online learning. He suggested the use of self-paced learning via modules sent through the web or courier service.

Webinar 2

 Webinar 1