TSUAAI, AAO hold 1st Gala Dinner and Awards Night  

Date Posted: 11/04/2016

             Alumni of Tarlac State University gathered in the first ever Gala Dinner and Awards Night organized by the TSU Alumni Association, Inc. (TSUAAI) and the University’s Alumni Affairs Office (AAO) on October 22, 2016 at the TSU Gymnasium.

            The event was first energized by the music of the ECJ Orchestra.  The TSU Chorale then rendered their voices for the Doxology and National Anthem.

            TSUAAI President Prof. Fabian P. Seguira gave his welcome address and presented all the officers of the TSUAAI. Mr. Matthew Santiago, Musiness Manager of TSUAAI, acknowledged the attendees, guests and awardees. The TSU Cultural Group wowed the crowd with their opening number, showcasing the folk dances in different regions of the country.

            TSU President Dr. Myrna Mallari delivered her inspirational message, taking pride in the high performance of the recent passers of the Certified Public Accountant, Mechanical Engineering and Chemistry Board Exam.

            Following the message of TSU President Dr. Mallari was the presentation of the TSU Key Officials and Personnel dancing the Rigodon de Honor.

            Hon. Emmy Ladera and Hon. Anna Aguas, representing Gov. Susan Yap and Mayor Cristy Angeles respectively, gave their messages and warm greetings to the University and its alumni.

            A special number was given by the power duo of Diana Castro and Amor Bondoc, both alumni from the College of Arts and Social Sciences batch 2012.

            After the dinner, selected alumni were given prizes for winning the raffle. Distinguished alumni coming from far places were also recognized.

            Prof. Maria Teresa Agustin, Director of TSU Alumni Affairs Office, gave the updates for the alumni and laid down some future plans and projects of the Office.

            As one of the main parts of the event, 21 distinguished alumni of the University were awarded. These 21 awardees originated from different colleges and were renowned in their respective  fields.

            In response to the award, one of the distinguished alumni, Dr. Maria Luisa Salonga – Agamata of the Civil Service Commission Main Office, expressed her gratitude and appreciation to the University.

            A dance presentation by the CASS Kapamilya Powerhouse and TSU Cultural Group sealed the event.