TSU joins march on International Women’s Day  

Date Posted: 03/15/2016


Students, teachers, and state workers in Tarlac celebrated Tuesday the International Women’s Day with a unity march dubbed “Juana Walk.”

“Juana Walk united people of all ages and background to walk as one community that supports women empowerment and gender equality,” Tarlac State University (TSU) Center for Gender and Development Director Rita Pulmano said.

 “By walking together, we are able to promote the call to include women’s concerns in leadership platforms and the government’s development agenda,” Pulmano furthered.

Attendees included students, faculty members and non-teaching personnel of TSU, Army 522nd Engineer Construction Battalion and 51st Engineer Brigade, and the Philippine Information Agency.

It ended with a physical fitness program and boodle fight breakfast at TSU.

The activity marks the start of provincial activities in line with the celebration of Women’s Month this March that carries the theme “Kapakanan ni Juana, Isama sa Aganda.”

“This year’s theme resonates the call for gender balance in leadership and decision-making positions both in the public and private sector, and capacitating women to reach their ambitions,” Pulmano explained. (Lorie Gene C. Cruz-CLJD/LGCC-PIA 3)

Scenes from the 2016 celebration of Women's Month


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