TSU 2nd International Folklore Festival  

Date Posted: 11/28/2014

The TSU Office for Culture and The Arts  in cooperation with the TSU International Affairs Office proudly presents the Second TSU International Folklore Festival.

The Festival is aimed at promoting harmonious interaction between culture. The main idea is to bring together the groups and ensembles from around the world in TSU, Tarlac City, Philippines in order to further the cross-enrichment of cultures, promote international Cultural relations and develop new forms of intercultural dialogue among nations.

 Festival Highlights:

December 1: 6 p.m.  Mayor’s Night- City Hall

December 2: 2 p.m.  Street Dancing Festival Parade                           

                     6 p.m.  City Walk Concert

December 3: 9 a.m.  International Cultural Show

                     “A Cultural Show for All”-TSU GYM

                     4 p.m.  International Matinee Show

                     “A Cultural Show for All”-TSU GYM

December 4: 6 p.m.   Interaction Party with the TSU Student

                      Leaders-TSU HOTEL

December 5: 9 a.m.  Local Tour-Tarlac Monastery and TRP               

                     12 nn.   Lunch with the Vice Governor-TRP

                     5p.m.    Mini Concert TSU Christmas Party-GYM         

December 5: 5 p.m.   Concert @ SM City

                     11 am.   Mini Concert-TSU Federated Alumni

                      Association Fellowship-TSU Gym

December 5: Tour:   Baguio City, SLU– National

                      Folkdance Competition     

                      2 p.m.   Concert—Rose Bowl, Baguio City

                      8 p.m.   Farewell Party TSU Hotel