TSU Officials Hold Annual Planning Conference  

Date Posted: 10/24/2014

In what could be the most significant assembly this year, TSU officials led by University President, Dr. Myrna Q. Mallari attended the TSU 2014 Annual University Planning Conference held at the Aziza Paradise Hotel, Puerto Princesa City in Palawan form October 14 to 17, 2014. The conference was significant because it was the first University Planning Conference under the Administration of Dr. Mallari after being chosen last April as the new Tarlac State University president.

The Annual Planning Conference is held regularly to map out the plans, strategies and future programs and action of the University for the academic and calendar year. This year’s Annual Planning Conference is significant because of its long-term setting of goals, and a vision that would take the University all geared up for the next four or five years.

University Planning Director Professor Redemptor Toledano sums up the thrust of the entire planning conference. “The ideal setting is to set forth plans and programs for a long term goal. This would at least guarantee enough time for the completion of such plans and programs agreed upon during the planning session, thereby benefitting the University because of the continuity of action in the realization of these plans”. Toledano, who was recently appointed by Dr. Mallari to head the Planning Office, identified these continuing programs as the “roadmaps” of development.

At the start of the conference, TSU President, Dr. Myrna Q. Mallari delivered an awe-inspiring speech, which set the tone for the duration of the entire conference. Under the theme, “Sustaining TSU’s Role in National Development and Global Integration”, Dr. Mallari urged her officials to work fervently to make TSU a significant and vital cog in the development of the nation. Far from being contented with their previous achievements and accomplishments, the President reiterated her call for total involvement, unparalleled service, continued growth in their fields of expertise in order to be at par with the world’s best, and a sincere effort to serve the University.  

During the conference, the Vice Presidents rendered their own reports and outlined their plans for the future. Dr. Armie Rosel, VP for Student Affairs presented her Office’s plans on Student  Activities; Dr. Lolita Sicat, VP for Academic Affairs, outlined the thrust of the Academic Sector; Dr. Louella Ona, VP for Research, Extension, Production and Development pointed out the new standards and requirements of the units under her Office; while Dr. Lorna Dimatulac, VP for Administration and Finance, set forth the programs , procedures and future developments in  the administration of the University.

Highlighting the affair was a touching ending that saw heads of various units and offices detailing their experiences and reactions to the just concluded event. The Conference ended on a high note and a great feeling of positive anticipation and a true sense of accomplishment.

To cap the four day activity, the participants were treated to a grand tour experience of the Palawan underground river, and the scenic islands and beaches of Honda bay. Afterwards it was everyone for themselves as the participants made their way to various pasalubong centers and tiangge stores in the metropolis.


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