Tarlac State University (TSU) as Royal Institution's Accredited University  

Date Posted: 07/23/2014

Royal Institution (RI) is a global professional, multidisciplinary membership and accrediting organisation that serves as the platform for international networking and collaboration among its members. RI allows members to develop and exchange knowledge and ideas with fellow members through seminars, congress, conferences and/or research paper presentations held annually.

With over 200 Royal Institutes, RI creates boundless opportunities for professional development and networking among members. We recognise the achievements of academics, professionals, businessman, entrepreneurs, leaders, students, and all individuals who deserve to be recognised and confer on the members a globally recognised status.

As a RI Corporate Member , TSU will be an RI - accredited university. TSU's faculty members, administrative officials and staff, students and graduates will automatically qualify to be members of any relevant Royal Institutes.